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Shevet Lavie Code of Conduct  

All tzofim (scouts), both Shachbag members (grades 10-12) and Chanichim (grades 3-9), must follow the code of conduct and act respectfully.

Attitude and Behavior

The Chanich attitude and behavior are critical to the success of Shevet Lavie. Both parent and Chanich acknowledge that they share responsibility for the shevet activities and agree to abide by the following:

- The Chanich will be sensitive to the needs of each group (shevet, troop) member.

- The Chanich will follow all directions promptly and respectfully and will not disturb others.

- The Chanich will respect the people and places with whom he/she come in contact at all times.

- The Chanich will not harm others, physically and verbally, in person or online, and will not use abusive or profane language. (Including hitting, spitting, and verbal and written names calling).

- The Chanich understands that the use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs will not be tolerated, and that usage of such substances during any activity will result in expulsion from the activity.


- The use of mobile devices during activity time is prohibited. It distract the Chanichim and prevent them from integrating into the activity.

The Chanich will not bring a phone (of any kind) to the activity. In case he/she will, they’ll be required to put the phone in a designated box at the beginning of the activity and collect it back at the end of the activity.

- The Chanich will treat all resources provided for use with care. The Chanich understands that he/she will be assessed damages to any equipment in the event that his use of such equipment is negligent or abusive.

- The Chanich will use all required safety equipment and follow safety rules and procedures.

- The Chanich will respect the personal equipment and property of others.

- The Chanich will be responsible for his/her personal belongings and equipment and will not hold the troop / group or the Israeli Scouts of Atlanta responsible for loss or damage due to his/her own negligence or neglect.

- The Chanich understand that if he/she will be sent home early from a meeting or activity due to any serious misconduct, it will be at his/her parent or guardian’s expense.

Therefore, the following actions will be implemented in all cases where any child behaves inappropriately and/or physically harms another:

First Misconduct:

The Chanich will be given a warning by his/her madrich regarding his/her disruptive behavior and he/she will be removed from the group and the activity for a short cooling period.

Second Misconduct:

The Chanich will be removed from the group and the activity for a short cooling period and the parents will be informed of possible future disciplinary actions.

Third Misconduct:

The Chanich will be permanently removed from the program for the remainder of the day. The parent, or other emergency contact, will be contacted and will be required to pick-up the child immediately.

Any Additional Misconduct:

The parents will be contacted and the child will be suspended from the program. He/she will be able to return to the program only accompanied by his/her parents to the next activities.

The children should be aware that they will be held responsible for their actions and that inappropriate behavior is never acceptable in our program.


Tzofim must be in proper uniform for all Tzofim functions. A full Khaki uniform is required for all weekly shevet meetings and all other activities unless told otherwise. The full Khaki uniform consists of an official Khaki Israeli Scout shirt, Khaki pants and a tie (aniva) which will be received at winter camp (no purchase necessary).

Chanich / Madrich who will come to Peula without Khaki, will be sent home.

Please help us in our efforts to make Shevet Lavie, Israeli scouts of Atlanta a safe and fun place for all children.

Thank you,


Shevet Lavie

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